Subject: I know everyone is ZOOMED to death...

I know everyone is ZOOMED to death...

Me too.

I gotta tell you that I actually sat through the WHOLE session with Marc Shamus.  Motivating...

See it here

I've been a CUSTOMER and USER of GotBackup since the BETA in 2013, and truly believe this is a fantastic SetNForget backup tool that EVERY computer, tablet, and smartphone user should have.

My background is system and network engineering, and business consulting. 
  • I have the skills to BUILD MY OWN backup and recovery systems BUT I CHOSE GOTBACKUP.
  • Apps for PC, Android, iPhone/Apple, Linux, or cloud-based access using any browser.
  • I advise my consulting clients to adopt GotBackup as the disaster recovery solution in their Business Continuity Plans
  • GotBackup has SAVED MY BUSINESS TWICE after disk crashes and external storage failures.
  • I was able to access my backup data in the cloud during the lengthy Texas power outage and get my websites OPERATIONAL while everyone else was blown out of the water because their hosting providers and network were down
With 6 accounts, holding a total of 6 TERABYTES of data, Unlimited devices on each account, the Family Plan for only $9.97 per month is a NO-BRAINER!  Even cheaper when you get an annual plan like I've done.

You cannot afford to lose your photos, contacts, or documents.  GotBackup automatically backs up your precious memories and critical data once set up (and that takes 5 minutes).

And, for a one-time nominal fee, you can be a reseller and take advantage of the lucrative Powerline and comp plan.  All it takes is being a PRODUCT OF THE PRODUCT and share your link.  Yours could be free with 2 signups.

Sign up HERE.  

Rich Moyer

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