Subject: I am a Prime Example Why You Need GotBackUp

I am a Prime Example Why You Need GotBackUp
A couple years ago, keep in mind, this was the height of tax preparation season, I was reconciling my accounts AGAIN with QuickBooks - the numbers just didn't tie out, and my accountant gave me ANOTHER courtesy call, "When are you going to get your tax stuff to me?"
It started out that my screensaver locked my PC which is normal.  When I went to put my password in to unlock it, I got a message that the password was wrong.  I know that is not the case, since I logged in umty-umph time today using that same password.   Then, other things started happening... goofy stuff I didn't think much about at the time.  I pulled out my trusty data stick with my password recovery on it (I create a new one every time I change my password).  The system kept saying it did not recognize that drive as a recovery disk.  Hmmm
Things were taking an unusually long time to respond - and then I heard the telltale "whirrr clunk whirrr clunk".   My hard disk was crashing.
None of my system recovery disks or rescue disks (I keep several sets) would work.   I would get to a certain point and would get "blue screen of death".
My hard disk was fried.  A brick.  Gone...
None of my "hardware wizard" recovery tools worked at all.
I have many computers, but they are either dedicated to client networks, or so brain dead and back level, they would take 10 minutes to load a 30 second Youtube video.   So off to my "graveyard" and in an hour I was able to patchwork together a workable machine that would serve as a stopgap.
The good news from all this is that I had signed up as a Founding Member of GotBackup, and purchased the family plan.  I hadn't gotten around to installing it on my wife's and daughter's machines, but my primary machine for my business had it installed as soon as I signed up, and had a safe copy of my data On The Cloud.
So, once I got my hobbled patchwork temporary machine able to load a browser, I simply logged on to GotBackup, and was able to recover most of the files I needed (the exception being Quickbooks itself, which is giving me some license warnings).  Nevertheless, I could use all the spreadsheets I exported from Quickbooks, the trial balance, income statement, and journal so I could manually patch this stuff together so I can save a life: that of my accountant who would have a coronary if I told him my machine crashed.
So GotBackup is not only a great recovery tool, but it truly SAVES LIVES!!
Got Backup?

Rich Moyer
YouTube Channel @RichMoyer1953