Subject: How to Create GotBackup Splashpages

Private Email to My Subscribers

How to Create GotBackup Splashpages

I got adventurous with my AI ChatGPT image generator.

I created some cool images that can be used to create unique, eye-catching splash pages that front-end the GotBackup Retail Page, and an Ad Bar that invites the viewer to become a GotBackup affiliate.

I have uploaded the jpg files to a media album in the GotBackup Facebook Group.  These images are royalty free, and I own the copyright.  My subscribers, GotBackup Facebook Group members, and Downlines can use these images free of charge.

The instructions page provides you with 5 videos and detailed, step-by-step instructions on
  • setup,
  • share codes to import my splash page template,
  • how to create your OWN template that can be replicated so you create multiple pages with YOUR Affiliate URL and Retail Page URL, and
  • how to set up a URL Rotator to step through all the splash pages you create from YOUR template.
GotBackup is a MONSTER opportunity, but more importantly, a service that EVERYBODY NEEDS and SHOULD BE USING! I've been using GotBackup since the beta in 2014-2015. It has SAVED MY BUSINESS 3 times! With cellphones and tablets, it is even MORE important to safeguard your Contacts, Photos, and Files.

Protect Your Whole Family. Get the GotBackup Family Plan for 6,000 GB Storage, 6 Accounts with Unlimited Devices Per Account for Only $9.97 per month!

And become an affiliate for a low $40 one-time reseller license. The PowerLine and comp plan is PHENOMENAL.

Here is the link to the instructions page


Rich Moyer
YouTube Channel @RichMoyer1953

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GotBackup Saved My Business TWICE. Family Plan w 6 accounts, 6TB, unlimited devices $9.97/mo

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