Subject: How To MAKE MONEY With NXR Nexus Rewards And Fund Your Business.

Hi.   I want to tell you how to MAKE MONEY with NXR Nexus Rewards and fund your business.

It's Rich Moyer.  I would be your sponsor at 
NXR Nexus Rewards.

Don't miss out on the Rakuten $30 Cash Back promo.  Your purchase does not have to be at Walmart - it can be at any of the 3500 participating Rakuten retailers.  I chose Walmart because they ship for free on any order over $35.  
If you have not signed up for Rakuten yet, DO IT NOW. 
Join NXR Nexus Rewards as a Free Member, then register for the Rakuten app from your phone.  Once registered, you can use their website (which I prefer over a phone app) or download the app.
While you are at it, download the other free cashback apps.
  • Fetch - scan for cashback on dining, groceries, link to your Amazon email to eScan your eReceipts
  • Upside - cashback on gas, dining, groceries
You do NOT need to be a Premium member at NXR Nexus Rewards, although even by getting free signups to the NXRGlobal capture pages, you get a hundred days of Autoresponder messages sent to them from NXR corporate to encourage those signups to upgrade to Premium (under you, which pays you $10 per month), or even use the free cashback apps that give YOU cashback rewards every time THEY use the apps and get cashback rewards for themselves.
This $30 cashback just about covers your $10 setup fee, the $21.95 first month Premium subscription, and for a $9.95 one-time NXR Nexus Rewards Gold upgrade, that gives you all the marketing tools including Automatic Builder for Contact Management, NXR Autoresponder message stream, capture and landing pages, Swipes and images, NXR Premium Group Telecom membership, and Facebook Group privileges.  
Don't Sell, Invite
The weekly training has had some big-name top marketers as guest speakers with some innovative approaches and ideas. The Sizzle calls get people excited about the opportunity, and Opportunity Overview helps YOU get signups.
All you need to do is send a capture page with an invitation to the Sizzle call or any of the Zoom training calls (they are recorded).
A Top Marketing Platform for 20 Years
One more dimension to NXR Premium Membership is that you already have the Automatic Builder platform. 
If you want to promote your other affiliate programs and build your list, while earning instant cash, Automatic Builder has been a great tool for me.
All it takes is the Direct Pay module ($27) or the AB Combo Module (includes Ad Revenue Module - combo price $47) one-time purchases to give you the full-blown power of Automatic Builder where you can get instant direct payments of $27 or $47 one-time for each Automatic Builder signup, and 20%-50% recurring commissions for affiliate programs in the Ad Revenue module. Plus the Automatic Builder AboutMe profile page allows you to present YOUR THREE FAVORITE PROGRAMS to signups.  I get signups through Automatic Builder to my top money-maker programs, Secrets of the Big Dogs and WorldProfit
Is the Picture getting Clearer?
What you have here is MULTIPLE STREAMS OF INCOME with Done-For-You follow-ups and marketing materials with both ONE-TIME direct payments and residual month-after-month passive incomePLUS CASH BACK. Total out of pocket costs:
  • $10.00 one-time setup fee for NXR Nexus Rewards Premium
  • $30.00 one-time Retail Purchase through Rakuten
  • $21.95 monthly NXR Nexus Rewards Premium
  • $ 9.95 monthly NXR Nexus Rewards Gold marketing system
  • --------
  • $40.00 one-time - $30 returned in Rakuten Cash Back Rewards
  • $31.90 monthly
All the expenses above except the retail purchases are TAX DEDUCTIBLE, and if you purchase office supplies, printer paper, or other business-related items, even your one-time retail purchases over $30 are too.  (Cash-back rewards are considered discounts and are not taxed as income).
Potential Revenue/Benefits from NXR alone
  • $10 per month per referral Premium upgrade (Taxable income)
  • $30 one-time Cash Back for Rakuten (discounts)
  • Ongoing Cash back rewards for free apps (discounts)
    Fetch (groceries, dining),
    Rakuten (retail),
    Upside (Gas, dining) 
  • Ongoing Cash back from Shopping Boss Premium app
  • NXRx (prescriptions)
  • Discounts from exclusive Nexus Rewards Benefits Hub  Average Savings and Cash Back per Member = $400 per month.
to add Automatic Builder System
  • $27.00 optional one-time for Automatic Builder Direct Pay Module or $47.00 for AB Combo (recommended)
  • $  5.95 optional monthly Broadcast Module for 3000 monthly emails (recommended)
  • Your Automatic Builder marketing system monthly is included with NXR Gold
Potential Revenue/Benefits from Automatic Builder
  • $27 or $47 direct payments for Automatic Builder upgrades
  • 20%-50% recurring commissions from Ad Revenue affiliate programs
  • Affiliate Commissions from AboutMe programs
  • Huge list building benefits, broadcasts
If nothing else, this is a side hustle to give you some cashflow, expand your list, and promote your primary business. Please consider all the POSITIVES of this approach.  
Where else can you start a BUSINESS for $50 (your out-of-pocket costs are TAX DEDUCTIBLE!)?
I just laid out the plan.  I can help you get started.  Just send a request for help to the email below.
Rich Moyer