Subject: He was on the fence... my response

I had one of my new referrals at WorldProfit tell me he was "on the fence" on whether or not to continue with the WorldProfit Silver membership. 

His choices were to:

  • drop it and pursue something else, 
  • continue as a month-to-month member,
  • or to go all-in and commit for a whole year

Here was my response:

I'm quite biased towards WorldProfit, PlatinumVIP for 10+ years. I am a power user - I think I have the record for the most landing pages and Autoresponder (Platinum only) campaigns.  I use the tools every single day.

That said, here's why I would advise you to stick with the Silver membership:

  • Save $700 per year by paying annually
  • BEST training for newbies and even experienced marketers (I found that my Network Marketing "mentors" left out some important steps, like how "I" could make money)
  • BEST support - unparalleled
  • Live interactive weekly workshops (also recorded) with George Kosch - the wizard who BUILT it all
  • Live Business Center monitors CLOSE SALES FOR YOU
  • You can build TWO lists: Newsletter (one-time by request) and Prospect Manager (Associates, leads).  You can broadcast daily to each list.
  • Your associates are exposed to up to FIVE of YOUR business opportunities or affiliate URLs (BigDogs is my number one)
  • Done-For-You capture pages, ad copy, URL cloaking/tracking to sign up new associates. Eventually leads to sales. 
  • Focus on getting ASSOCIATES - first thing they see is the Live Business Center, then they receive daily Done-For-You Associates Newsletter
  • All landing pages you create with landing page builder can capture into YOUR autoresponder (Getresponse, Aweber, Mailchimp, GVO or HTML code for any others including LeadsLeap and BuildABizOnline)
  • Huge template and graphics library for landing page builder
  • SO many things to give away to attract leads: 580+ items in PLR library, free traffic, free associate memberships (with access to PLR vault, goodie bag)
  • Your own fully customizable website on YOUR domain.  I find that after I bring in associates, they look at my Sales Center, and offers I post to website
  • Free blog, article directory - also post promotions to blog to get organic search engine traffic and backlinks to your domain.  Automatic blog poster tool makes it so easy
  • Unlimited PDF and graphics storage
  • Opportunity to become a monitor in Live Business Center - get tons of leads (20 for each sale while on duty, and all new unassigned associates while on duty) and $5 for each sale made while on duty.  Minimum 3 hours per week.  I got literally thousands of my associates as a monitor

Hmmm... think maybe I like WorldProfit?

WorldProfit is a BUSINESS PLATFORM, and not just a business opportunity that ENCOURAGES and ENABLES promotion of YOUR Business Opportunities and Affiliate Programs.

If you are willing to DO the bootcamp training (meaning APPLY what you have learned and not just get a checkmark for watching videos)  you CAN build your list and make money, but it takes TIME (promote every day), INVESTMENT (Silver upgrade), PATIENCE (it takes time), and PERSEVERANCE (don't quit).  WorldProfit has been one of my top moneymakers for many years

If you are willing, sign up as a Silver member for a monthGIVE IT dedicated time and follow the training.  Your yardstick for success is not how much MONEY you make, but HOW MANY ASSOCIATES you bring in, because people rarely buy after only one exposure, in fact it takes 7-11  "exposures" to move from

Lead (curious) to Prospect (interested) to Customer (buyer)

When they are ON YOUR LIST, you can do what I call "customer cultivation".  

You see, WorldProfit sends a newsletter about WorldProfit products and services ON YOUR BEHALF to every associate EVERY DAY, in addition to other promotions. You would have to do this yourself in any other program. 

You CAN send a broadcast or your own newsletter once per day to your whole list of associates and also to your list of one-time newsletter subscribers, about any program at all. When associates or newsletter subscribers make a purchase from the newsletters or promotions, YOU earn commissions from 20%-100%!

Try it.  One Month. $99.95.  (You've wasted SO MUCH MORE on programs and traffic with SO LITTLE POTENTIAL).
