Subject: August 14, 2017 Trade Alert #2 - Rising Tide Portfolio

August 14, 2017 Trade Alert #2 - Rising Tide Portfolio

August 14th, 2017 at 4:06 pm EST

August 14, 2017 Trade Alert #2 - Rising Tide Portfolio With the stock up sharply we have become negative net delta once again: BTC 3 MA 25Aug17 130 calls (MA170825C130) STO 3 MA 25Aug17 133 calls (MA170825C133) for a debit of $1.49 (buying a vertical ...

August 14, 2017 Trade Alert - Rising Tide Portfolio

August 14th, 2017 at 10:24 am EST

August 14, 2017 Trade Alert - Rising Tide Portfolio With the stock up sharply we have become negative net delta: BTC 3 MA 18Aug17 129 calls (MA170818C129) STO 3 MA 18Aug17 131 calls (MA170818C131) for a debit of $1.11 (buying a vertical) BTC 2 MA ...

August 11, 2017 Trade Alert #3 - Rising Tide Portfolio

August 11th, 2017 at 12:59 pm EST

August 11, 2017 Trade Alert #3 - Rising Tide Portfolio These trades will finish getting us set up for next week: BTC 3 MA 11Aug17 129 puts (MA170811P129) STO 3 MA 18Aug17 129 puts (MA170818P129) for a credit of $.85 (selling a calendar) BTO 3 MA 20Oc ...

August 11, 2017 Trade Alert #2 - Rising Tide Portfolio

August 11th, 2017 at 11:57 am EST

August 11, 2017 Trade Alert #2 - Rising Tide Portfolio These trades will start getting us set up for next week: BTC 7 MA 11Aug17 130 puts (MA170811P130) STO 7 MA 18Aug17 129 puts (MA170818P129) for a debit of $.06 (selling a diagonal) BTC 6 MA 11 ...

August 11, 2017 Trade Alert - Rising Tide Portfolio

August 11th, 2017 at 9:54 am EST

August 11, 2017 Trade Alert - Rising Tide Portfolio If you were assigned the 131 put, sell the stock at the market and sell one or all of the 135 puts below, and if you were not assigned that put, execute the following: BTC 1 MA 11Aug17 131 put (MA ...

August 4, 2017 Trade Alert - Rising Tide Portfolio

August 4th, 2017 at 2:20 pm EST

August 4, 2017 Trade Alert - Rising Tide Portfolio These trades will get us set up for next week: BTC 3 MA 04Aug17 129 puts (MA170804P129) for $.03 (no commission) STO 3 MA 11Aug17 129 puts (MA170811P129) for $.58 BTC 3 MA 04Aug17 129 calls (MA170804 ...

August 3, 2017 Trade Alert - Rising Tide Portfolio

August 3rd, 2017 at 2:28 pm EST

August 3, 2017 Trade Alert - Rising Tide Portfolio We have become negative net delta once again: BTC 3 MA 04Aug17 128 puts (MA170804P128) for $.03 (no commission) STO 3 MA 11Aug17 130 puts (MA170811P130) for $.80 BTO 1 MA 20Oct17 135 put (MA17102 ...

August 2, 2017 Trade Alert #2 - Rising Tide Portfolio

August 2nd, 2017 at 10:41 am EST

August 2, 2017 Trade Alert #2 - Rising Tide Portfolio We are still negative net delta: BTC 3 MA 04Aug17 128 puts (MA170804P128) STO 3 MA 11Aug17 131 puts (MA170811P131) for a credit of $1.69 (selling a diagonal) BTO 1 MA 15Sep17 135 put (MA170915P ...

August 2, 2017 Trade Alert - Rising Tide Portfolio

August 2nd, 2017 at 10:13 am EST

August 2, 2017 Trade Alert - Rising Tide Portfolio We have become negative net delta: BTC 3 MA 04Aug17 127 calls (MA170804C127) STO 3 MA 11Aug17 130 calls (MA170811C130) for a debit of $1.74 (selling a diagonal) BTC 2 MA 04Aug17 128 calls (MA1708 ...

July 31, 2017 Trade Alert - Rising Tide Portfolio

July 31st, 2017 at 10:35 am EST

July 31, 2017 Trade Alert - Rising Tide Portfolio We have uncovered long puts to sell against, and lots of cash to roll out long positions to October: STO 3 MA 04Aug17 128 puts (MA170804P128) for $.89 BTO 3 MA 20Oct17 130 puts (MA171020P130) STC 3 ...