Subject: July 24, 2018 Terry’s Tips Trade –Rising Tide Portfolio

July 24, 2018 Terrys Tips Trade Rising Tide  Portfolio

With the stock up over $2 today, we should roll some short calls to higher strikes:

BTC 3 MA 27Jul18 207.5 calls (MA180727C207.5)

STO 3 MA 27Jul18 212.5 calls (MA180727C212.5) for a debit of $2.70  (buying a vertical) 

BTO1 MA 24Aug18 212.5 call (MA180824C212.5)

STC 1 MA 24Aug18 205 call (MA180824C205) for a credit of $4.37  (selling a vertical) 

BTO 2 MA 24Aug18 212.5 calls (MA180824C212.5)
STC 2 MA 24Aug18 207.5 calls (MA180824C207.5) for a credit of $2.72  (selling a vertical) 

Be prepared to change these price limits by $.05 or more in order to get an execution. 

Happy trading.


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