Subject: December 7, 2016 Trade Alert - Rising Tide Portfolio

December 7, 2016  Trade Alert -  Rising Tide  Portfolio

The stock has rallied on the big buy-back announcement.  We need to get longer:


BTC 2 MA 09Dec16 101 puts (MA161209P101) for $.05 (no commission)

BTC 2 MA 09Dec16 102 puts (MA161209P102)
STO 2 MA 16Dec16 105 puts (MA161216P105) for a credit of $1.16  (selling a diagonal)

STO 1 MA 16Dec16 105 put (MA161216P105) for $1.23

STC 1 MA 21Apr17 100 put (MA170421P100) for $3.33

Be prepared to change these price limits by $.05 or more in order to get an execution.

Happy trading.



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