Subject: August 17, 2018 Terry’s Tips Trade Alert – Rising Tide Portfolio

August 17, 2018 Terry’s Tips Trade Alert – Rising Tide Portfolio

We will close out these spreads today to turn the account into cash so that we can start anew with an influx of $2000 next week.  Subscribers who are auto-trading this portfolio will have their allocations set to zero.  Anyone who wishes to continue with the $2000 additional investment must set up new allocations.

BTC 1 MA 17Aug18 202.5 put (MA180817P202.5) for $.04 (no commission)

BTC 1 MA 17Aug18 205 call (MA180817C205) for $.01 (no commission)

BTC 1 MA 17Aug18 207.5 call (MA180817C207.5) for $.01 (no commission)

If those trades execute:

STC 1 MA 14Sep18 202.5 put (MA180914P202.5) for $3.10

STC 1 MA 14Sep18 205 call (MA180914C205) for $3.10

STC 1 MA 14Sep18 207.5 call (MA180914C207.5) for $2.09  

Be prepared to change these price limits by $.05 or more in order to get an execution.

Happy trading.


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