Subject: Custom Newsletter Design - GR v2

New Rules for the Future-Ready Firm
Special Edition Newsletter from CPATrendlines for the Future-Ready Firm by Jody Padar, CPA
The Radical Approach to Bundling Services

By Jody Padar, CPA
The Radical CPA

How do you take your exper­tise and insight and package it like a product? That's what the next generation of firms has figured out.
Join me on the road! And if you see me, come say hi!
Oct. 25-28 in Las Vegas!
Flexibility and Remote Work are More Than a Policy Change

I recently wrote "Three Words That Will Kill Your Talent Search" that created quite a stir. It was reposted, received many comments, and I even received a couple of phone calls requesting how to reach and connect with the next generation CPA. 

Not that I’m surprised. The war for talent is real. 

READ MORE at The Radical CPA >>>
Lessons in Leadership from Pro-Season Football

When it comes to football, my husband and I are in two distinctly different camps. He is the die-hard fan that attends games in minus 10-degree weather and shows up whether the team is winning big or deep in a losing streak. I, on the other hand, belong to camp “Fair Weather.” I attend games when it’s sunny and beautiful and during periods of winning.

A few years ago, I attended a preseason Chicago Bears game with my husband…and they won! However, even as a self-proclaimed fair-weather fan, the win was not what made me happy. It was the quick lesson in leadership that had my leaving the stadium feeling fulfilled. 

READ MORE at The Radical CPA >>>
The Change Readiness Inventory 

Get the four-step tool to change bad habits and update internal processes. (Excerpted from The Radical CPA)
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