Subject: Quantitative Easing Round Four Has Begun

Quantitative Easing Round Four Has Begun

October 14th, 2019 at 8:50 pm +07

Quantitative Easing:Round FourA new round of Quantitative Easing began on Friday when the Fed announced that it would create $60 billion a month to buy US government securities. Although I have long expected the resumption of QE, I find the suddenne ...

Expect More Rate Cuts

October 3rd, 2019 at 11:36 am +07

Expect More Rate CutsCredit Growth in the United States has been the most important driver of economic growth for decades, so it is important to monitor it closely. If it expands by less than 2% a year (adjusted for inflation), the economy goes into ...

Interview: The Future Of Monetary Policy

September 26th, 2019 at 4:20 pm +07

Interview: The Future Of Monetary PolicyI recently discussed the future of Monetary Policy with Hunter Thompson, the host of the Cash Flow Connections podcast. It was an interesting and timely conversation. Last week, the Fed injected more than $125 ...

Dalio vs. Mauldin: The Great Debate - Part 3

September 12th, 2019 at 4:56 pm +07

Dalio vs. Mauldin: The Great DebatePart 3Ray Dalio is the founder of Bridgewater Associates, the world’s largest and most successful hedge fund. In May, he published a paper called “It’s Time to Look More Carefully at “Monetary Policy 3 (MP3) ...

Dalio vs. Mauldin: The Great Debate - Part 2

August 29th, 2019 at 4:46 pm +07

Ray Dalio vs. John Mauldin: The Great Debate Part 2A debate that could determine whether our economic future is prosperous or impoverished has taken place between Ray Dalio and John Mauldin, two of the world’s most influential economic thinkers. ...

Trade War, Currency War, Cold War: A Video Course On China's Economic Crisis

August 24th, 2019 at 1:23 pm +07

Trade War Currency War Cold War ...

How The US Can Win The Currency War

August 20th, 2019 at 5:22 pm +07

How The US Can Win The Currency WarOn August 5th, the Chinese Yuan fell below Yuan 7 per Dollar for the first time in eleven years. Later that day the US Treasury Department designated China a currency manipulator. Financial journalists around the ...

Financial Sense Interview: Highly Recommended

August 15th, 2019 at 5:21 pm +07

Financial Sense Interview Highly RecommendedCapitalism didn’t exactly die... It just evolved into a very different kind of economic system: Creditism. I discussed the evolution of Capitalism into Creditism recently with Cris Sheridan for the Finan ...

Ray Dalio vs. John Mauldin Part 1

August 7th, 2019 at 1:35 pm +07

Ray Dalio vs. John Mauldin: The Great DebateAn extraordinarily important debate has taken place between two of the world’s most influential economic thinkers: Ray Dalio, the founder of the legendary hedge fund, Bridgewater Associates, and John Ma ...

America Can Invest Or Surrender To China

July 16th, 2019 at 4:29 pm +07

America Can Invest or Surrender To ChinaChina’s lead in 5G Technology is the United States’ new Sputnik moment. There is no mystery as to why China will soon overtake the US as the world’s leading technological, economic and military superpow ...