Subject: Risks Are High And Rising

Risks Are High And Rising

December 20th, 2021 at 1:02 pm +07

Risks Are High And Rising The new Macro Watch video discusses the most important recent trends in credit growth and wealth creation based on the third quarter Financial Accounts of the United States. The most important takeaways are that: Credit grow ...

Very Bad Things May Happen Due To The Fed's Hawkish Pivot

December 6th, 2021 at 7:47 pm +07

Very Bad Things May Happen Due To The Fed's Hawkish PivotIn Congressional testimony last week, Fed Chairman Powell made a “Hawkish Pivot” when he suggested that the Fed was likely to accelerate the pace of Tapering and end Quantitative Easing a f ...

Great New Interview: Highly Recommended

December 4th, 2021 at 5:34 pm +07

Great New Interview: Highly RecommendedA few days ago I was interviewed by Tom Bodrovics for Palisades Gold Radio. I believe this was one of the best interviews in a long time. I hope you will agree. Click on the link below to listen to it now. Af ...