Subject: Life During Wartime: Part 2

Life During Wartime: Part 2

March 29th, 2020 at 11:38 am +07

Life During Wartime:Part 2Congress passed a $2 trillion stimulus bill last week. That is not going to be enough. The new Macro Watch video considers two scenarios of how much fiscal stimulus will be required this year to prevent the economy from col ...

Life During Wartime

March 25th, 2020 at 5:01 pm +07

Life During WartimeA wartime effort will be required to defeat the Coronavirus and prevent the US economy from collapsing into a Depression. But this war is very different from any we have fought before. The new Macro Watch video contrasts the war we ...

Interview: How To Prevent A Depression

March 19th, 2020 at 1:52 pm +07

Interview: How To Prevent A Depression Very Highly RecommendedThis is the most important interview I have ever given. Listen to it now. The global economy is being crushed by the Coronavirus. Chaos reigns in the financial markets. In this Financial ...

Recession or Depression?

March 15th, 2020 at 9:55 pm +07

Recession or Depression?The United States economy will almost certainly fall into Recession this year because of the Coronavirus. The outcome, however, could be very much worse than that. Whether the US economy spirals into a Depression or merely a R ...

Fed Considers Buying A Wider Range Of Assets

March 7th, 2020 at 8:59 am +07

The Fed Considers Buying A Wider Range Of AssetsOn March 1st, Macro Watch uploaded a video entitled "Thoughts On The Coronavirus". That video warned Macro Watch subscribers to be prepared for the Fed to take drastic measures to prevent a stock market ...

Thoughts On The Coronavirus

March 1st, 2020 at 10:28 pm +07

Thoughts On The CoronavirusIn the Macro Watch video uploaded today, I share my thoughts on the Coronavirus. How long it is likely to last. How it has impacted the global economy to date. How it is likely to impact corporate earnings, asset prices and ...