Subject: The Repo Crisis and The Fed: Part 4

The Repo Crisis and The Fed: Part 4

November 22nd, 2019 at 3:20 pm +07

The Repo Crisisand The FedPart 4Quantitative Easing has resumed. On September 17th, overnight interest rates in the Repo Market shot up to 10%, four times higher than they should have been. Problems there infected the Federal Funds Market, causing ...

The Repo Crisis and The Fed: Part 3

November 20th, 2019 at 1:21 pm +07

The Repo Crisisand The FedPart ThreeThe Fed is once again creating very large amounts of money and pumping it into the financial markets. So, it is not surprising that all the major US stock market indices have recently set new record highs. What we ...

The Repo Crisis and The Fed: Part 2

November 15th, 2019 at 2:00 pm +07

The Repo Crisisand The Fed:Part TwoMonetary Policy is the government’s most important economic policy tool. If you really want to understand how the Fed conducts Monetary Policy, you must understand the Fed’s weekly report on the “Factors Affec ...

The Repo Crisis and The Fed

November 13th, 2019 at 4:27 pm +07

The Repo Crisisand The FedOn September 16th, the interest rate in the overnight Repo Market shot up to nearly 10%. It should have been below 2.25%. There was no shortage of Reserves to lend. There were nearly $1.4 trillion of Reserve Balances that da ...