Subject: Chinese Monetary Policy Part 2: Crisis Management

Chinese Monetary Policy Part 2: Crisis Management

September 7th, 2018 at 3:11 pm +07

Chinese Monetary Policy Part 2:Crisis ManagementLarge-scale capital flight out of China threatened to send the Chinese economy into crisis beginning in mid-2014. As a result, the People’s Bank Of China was forced to radically change the way it carr ...

Renegade Inc. TV Interview. Highly Recommended

September 4th, 2018 at 4:46 pm +07

Renegade Inc. TV InterviewHighly RecommendedIn this television interview for Renegade Inc., Ross Ashcroft and I discuss Creditism and the opportunities and dangers that exist at this unique moment in history. The global economy no longer works the wa ...

Chinese Monetary Policy Part 1: Transforming The World

August 23rd, 2018 at 3:31 pm +07

Chinese Monetary PolicyPart 1 Transforming The WorldBetween 1990 and 2014, the People’s Bank Of China created RMB 28 trillion, the equivalent of more than US$4 trillion. What the central bank did with that money turned China into an economic superp ...

How Much Will You Lose From The US-China Trade War?

August 9th, 2018 at 2:17 pm +07

How Much Will You Lose From The US-China Trade War?The US-China Trade War could destroy tens of trillions of dollars of wealth and hurl the global economy into a new great depression by this time next year. Or, it may be called off before it does any ...

US-China Trade War Could Be A Turning Point In History

July 12th, 2018 at 4:09 pm +07

US-China Trade War Could Be A Turning Point In HistoryLast night I watched “Death By China” on YouTube. If you haven’t, you should. It’s free. This documentary was made by Peter Navarro, the Director of the United States National Trade Counci ...

QE In Europe Is Ending

July 6th, 2018 at 12:28 pm +07

QE In Europe Is Ending:Beware!The ECB has announced that it plans to reduce its Quantitative Easing program from €30 billion per month now to €15 billion per month in October; and then to end QE altogether in December. That is important because t ...

Part Two of The Podcast For Real Estate Investors

June 21st, 2018 at 6:48 pm +07

Part Two of The Podcast For Real Estate InvestorsIn the second part of my Get Rich Education interview, Keith Weinhold and I discuss the causes of inflation in the 21st Century and how inflation could impact real estate investors. In the past, rapid ...

The Podcast For Real Estate Investors

June 18th, 2018 at 5:10 pm +07

The Podcast For Real Estate InvestorsWith the Fed now radically tightening monetary policy, I recently had a timely conversation with Keith Weinhold of Get Rich Education about the impact that higher interest rates is likely to have on home prices an ...

The BOJ's Radical Experiment

June 7th, 2018 at 7:00 pm +07

The BOJ's Radical ExperimentMonetary Policy in Japan is RADICALLY AGGRESSIVE. Over the last five year, Japan’s Monetary Base has expanded by three and a half times. The Bank Of Japan now owns 40% of all Japanese Government Debt. The Bank’s total ...

What You Need To Know About The US Government's Budget Deficits And Debt

May 25th, 2018 at 4:03 pm +07

What You Need To Know About The US Government’s Budget Deficits And Debt The latest Macro Watch video provides a quick overview of everything you need to know about the US government’s budget and debt, including: The source of the government’s ...