Subject: When Stocks Fall, Expect A Recession

When Stocks Fall, Expect A Recession

November 22nd, 2017 at 7:14 pm +07

When Stocks Fall, Expect A RecessionAs a rule, Credit Growth drives Economic Growth. But that is not the case now. Credit growth is very weak, but the economy grew by 3% during each of the last two quarters. Q: What then is driving the economy? A: A ...

Japan's Extraordinary Experiment

November 9th, 2017 at 8:00 pm +07

Japan's Extraordinary ExperimentThe Bank of Japan is creating money and buying up Japanese Government Debt on an unprecedented scale. Thus far, the BOJ has bought up 40% of all Japanese Government Debt – and that percentage is increasing with every ...

Give Macro Watch Feedback and Get A Video Explaining Quantitative Tightening

November 1st, 2017 at 3:05 pm +07

Help Macro Watch Help You Friends, You are receiving this email because you were once a subscriber to Macro Watch, but you no longer are. I want you to re-subscribe. Take this very short survey and tell me what I must do to make that happen. In ex ...