Subject: Inflation Would Crush The Global Economy

Inflation Would Crush The Global Economy

December 21st, 2017 at 9:17 pm +07

Inflation Would Crush The Global EconomyThe new Macro Watch video looks at the Credit to GDP ratio for each of the world’s twenty largest economies. We find that credit has been growing faster than the economy for all of these countries for decades ...

The Stock Market: Worry Now, Sell Later?

December 7th, 2017 at 10:00 pm +07

The Stock Market:Worry Now, Sell Later?The S P 500 Index is now 66% above its 2007 pre-crisis peak and 250% above the low it reached in 2009. The market’s cyclically adjusted price-to-earnings ratio is 31.3 times. That ratio has been higher only tw ...

When Stocks Fall, Expect A Recession

November 22nd, 2017 at 7:14 pm +07

When Stocks Fall, Expect A RecessionAs a rule, Credit Growth drives Economic Growth. But that is not the case now. Credit growth is very weak, but the economy grew by 3% during each of the last two quarters. Q: What then is driving the economy? A: A ...

Japan's Extraordinary Experiment

November 9th, 2017 at 8:00 pm +07

Japan's Extraordinary ExperimentThe Bank of Japan is creating money and buying up Japanese Government Debt on an unprecedented scale. Thus far, the BOJ has bought up 40% of all Japanese Government Debt – and that percentage is increasing with every ...

Give Macro Watch Feedback and Get A Video Explaining Quantitative Tightening

November 1st, 2017 at 3:05 pm +07

Help Macro Watch Help You Friends, You are receiving this email because you were once a subscriber to Macro Watch, but you no longer are. I want you to re-subscribe. Take this very short survey and tell me what I must do to make that happen. In ex ...

China vs. The US: Whose Century Will It Be?

October 26th, 2017 at 8:00 pm +07

China vs. The US: Whose Century Will It Be?Last year, Macro Watch published a five-video series on China’s economy. It explained that China’s export-led, investment-driven and debt-fueled economic growth model is in crisis because global income i ...

Fear Quantitative Tightening - Watch Free Video

October 21st, 2017 at 4:35 pm +07

Fear Quantitative Tightening – Watch Free Video Macro Watch now accepts credit cards. The Fed will begin reversing Quantitative Easing this month. That is bad news for most investors. Just as Quantitative Easing pushed up the price of stocks, bo ...

A Special Offer From Richard Duncan

October 21st, 2017 at 9:12 am +07

Thank you, Tokyo!I want to show my appreciation with a larger discount! Thank you for the very kind reception you gave me when I called in to join you and Robert Kiyosaki on Wednesday. You responded so enthusiastically to my request to sign up for my ...

Give Macro Watch Feedback and Get A Video Explaining Quantitative Tightening

October 18th, 2017 at 12:21 pm +07

Help Macro Watch Help You Friends, You are receiving this email because you were once a subscriber to Macro Watch, but you no longer are. I want you to re-subscribe. Take this very short survey and tell me what I must do to make that happen. In ex ...

Give Macro Watch Feedback and Get A Video Explaining Quantitative Tightening

October 14th, 2017 at 2:49 pm +07

Help Macro Watch Help You Friends, You are receiving this email because you were once a subscriber to Macro Watch, but you no longer are. I want you to re-subscribe. Take this very short survey and tell me what I must do to make that happen. In ex ...