Subject: Watch Richard Duncan’s Speech For The CFA Institute in Brazil

Last month I had the great good fortune to go on a speaking tour around
South America at the invitation of the CFA Institute.

I spoke before the CFA Societies in Santiago, Montevideo, Buenos Aires, Sao
Paulo and Miami (and managed to get in some glorious vacation time in
Valparaiso and Rio along the way). My topic was: How to Understand
Economics and The Financial Markets in The Post-Bretton Woods World.

Macro Watch subscribers can log in and watch the entire speech now. It is
an hour long, followed by 20 minutes of Q&A. There are 80 downloadable

Our economic system and financial markets work very differently now than
they did under the Gold Standard or the Bretton-Woods System. Economic
theory, however, is still stuck in the 19th Century. This speech explains
how the upheavals of the last century produced a Monetary Revolution that
transformed the world.

• I begin by describing the evolution of the global economy after the
breakdown of Bretton Woods.

• I then discuss the tools now available to policymakers in this new
environment and how they are being used to manage economic growth.

• Next, I discuss how to anticipate movements in interest rates, currencies,
commodity prices and asset prices in this new regime.

• Finally, I talk about the dangers and opportunities that exist within this
post-Bretton Woods age.

The Macro Watch videos I publish cover a wide range of topics. This speech
ties all of those topics together by laying out the framework that
underpins them all. From the collapse of the Gold Standard to Bitcoin to
the perils of Quantitative Tightening, it’s all here.

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Richard Duncan

Author, Economist, Consultant, Speaker

1029 Charoennakorn Road, 10600, Bangkok, Thailand
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