Subject: Thank you for your support of The Money Revolution

Richard Duncan - The Money Revolution

Dear Friend,

Thanks to your support, The Money Revolution: How To Finance The Next American Century is gaining momentum and more people are discovering how we can turbo charge economic growth in the United States.

I’ve enjoyed hearing from those who are reading the book and am humbled by the positive response.

The book is resonating with a wide range of audiences, and I’m grateful to the various publications and podcasts that have featured the book including The Financial Times that listed The Money Revolution as one of the best new books on economics, saying;

“Richard Duncan, a well-known heterodox thinker on money and markets, ends up in a very radical position indeed in The Money Revolution.

Duncan argues that the US must invest massively for the future and, even more radically, that this can be safely funded by the Federal Reserve. Investment has indeed been weak. That is why we have been experiencing what Harvard’s Larry Summers called “secular stagnation”. But more investment is necessary, says Duncan, to improve the dynamism of the US economy.”

I’m also honored to have been featured on the following podcasts:

If you haven’t ordered your copy yet you can purchase it here:


Your feedback and reviews on Amazon and Goodreads are welcomed and extremely valuable.

Thank you again for your help in making The Money Revolution a success.

Richard Duncan

The Money Revolution
A Fascinating Analysis of American Money, Credit and Capital
Robert Kiyosaki
“A ‘must-read’ for proactive investors who want to ‘peer over the horizon.’”
Robert Kiyosaki, Best-Selling Author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad
Richard Koo
“This book tells us how to navigate in the boundless ocean we now find ourselves in.”
Richard Koo, Chief Economist, Nomura Research Institute