Subject: Stansberry Interview on The Dollar Standard

Will The Dollar Remain The International Reserve Currency?
I was recently interviewed by Porter Stansberry and Buck Sexton for the Stansberry Investor Hour. 

We had an interesting discussion about the prospects for the Dollar in its role as the principal international reserve currency under The Dollar Standard.  We also discussed the greatest near-term threats confronting the economy and the financial markets.

Here are some of the questions I was asked:

• How long can the Dollar Standard and this system of driving the economy with debt and financing it with paper money creation go on?

• The US Dollar is the world’s main Reserve Currency. But, as US Dollar credit grows toward 400% of US GDP, isn’t basing the global economy on the US Dollar full of risks?

• The United States’ trading partners send the US their treasure to finance US imports. Don’t you think that sooner or later another large country or group of countries will decide to create a different currency standard, perhaps one based on gold or Bitcoins?

• What could cause the Dollar Standard to break down? How does it all end?

• What is the likelihood of a trade war?

• Why does President Trump believe trade tariffs are a good idea? What does he expect them to accomplish?

• Will the “Bond Market Vigilantes” push up interest rates and wreck the economy and crash the stock market now that the US is facing trillion dollar a year government budget deficits?

• How do you see all this playing out? Will the status quo continue or will there be collapse?

Click here to listen to this interview now.

To listen to the entire show, click here. The interview begins on minute 14.

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Richard Duncan

Author, Economist, Consultant, Speaker

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