Subject: One Of My Favorite Interviews This Year

One Of My Favorite 
Interviews This Year
“This is one of my favorite interviews of the year so far. Richard @PaperMoneyEcon brings the 🔥 fire,” tweeted Trey Lockerbie, regarding our recent conversation for We Study Billionaires on The Investor’s Podcast Network.

Given all the brilliant interviews Trey has conducted this year, I considered that comment a great complement, indeed.

I hope everyone will listen to this interview now.

Afterwards, please consider following my work by subscribing to Macro Watch if you haven’t already.

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Topics covered in this interview include:

  • Creditism is now on the brink of Crisis with Credit contracting and asset prices falling.
  • The disaster scenario confronting the Fed.
  • Why the US Federal Funds Rate is likely to exceed 5% by Q2 2023.
  • Why “Something Is Likely To Break” leading to lower lows across all asset classes, including double-digit declines in the housing market.
  • The recent crisis in England’s pension industry, the Bank of England’s response to it, and why the Fed will follow the BOE’s example when something breaks in the US.
  • The consequences of and lessons to be learned from the Dollar hitting a 20-year high despite so many earlier forecasts predicting its collapse.
  • Why the world will never return to a Gold Standard.
  • How the Fed makes profits; and why it has swung from being the most profitable “company” in the world last year ($107 billion) to losing money in recent months.
  • What must be done to restore the Fed’s extraordinary profits (which the Fed is required to hand over to US taxpayers every year).
  • Bank Reserves explained at last.
  • Reverse Repurchase Agreements explained at last.
  • The new way the Fed controls interest rates.
  • Why China may soon have the rest of the world at its mercy and what the United States government must do to ensure that never happens.

Click HERE to listen to this wide-ranging The Investor’s Podcast interview now.

I strongly suggest that you do.

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