Subject: McAlvany Weekly Commentary Interview: Highly Recommended!

McAlvany Weekly Commentary Interview:
Highly Recommended!
I recently had a very interesting conversation with David McAlvany for the McAlvany Weekly Commentary. Very few people can conduct an interview as well as David. I hope you will listen to this one now. 

Here are some of the topics covered:

Trade War. What would be the consequences of a trade war between the US and China? Has China taken advantage of the United States? Would it be easy for the US to win a trade war with China, as President Trump has stated? What price would China pay? What price would the US pay? How would US interest rates and asset prices be impacted? What would be the geopolitical consequences?

Monetary Policy. The importance of understanding the impact that Monetary Policy has on the economy and the financial markets. How the nature of Money has changed over the past 50 year. Before there were two sources of Money entering the US economy. Now there are three. The third source, money created by foreign central banks and injected into the United States, caused the Fed to lose control over US interest rates and led to the crisis of 2008.

Liquidity Shock. The combination of trillion-dollar-a-year budget deficits and Quantitative Tightening will drive the Liquidity Gauge into record negative territory this year. Next year and the year after, the Liquidity Drain will become even worse. This is creating a toxic environment for investors. Only a trade war could make matters worse. 

The Dollar Mystery.  US interest rates have moved up, but the Dollar has moved down.  Why?  One possible explanation. 

The Outlook for interest rates, the Dollar, gold, the stock market, property prices and the economy. 

And much more.

Click here to listen now.

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Richard Duncan

Author, Economist, Consultant, Speaker

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