Subject: Investors Should Be Terrified Of The Imminent Liquidity Shock

We are now entering a very dangerous period for asset prices and the global economy. The Fed plans to drain more than $1 trillion of liquidity from the financial markets by the end of 2019. That’s not just taking the punch bowl away. It’s more like pumping the stomach of a chronic alcoholic.

The ECB also seems to be preparing to taper its aggressive Quantitative Easing program. If the Fed and the ECB go forward with these plans, global liquidity will dry up. That could send the price of stocks, property, bonds and commodities (including gold and oil) tumbling. It could also send the global economy back into severe recession.

Quantitative Easing reflated asset prices and the global economy. Quantitative Tightening is very likely to deflate them. The consequences could be dire. Investors need to be alert to these risks.

The latest Macro Watch video makes projections for the total assets of the Fed, the ECB, the BOJ, the PBOC and the BOE out to the end of 2019. Combining the total assets of those five central banks creates an excellent proxy for global liquidity. What we find is that Global Liquidity is about to dry up.

Global Liquidity Shock
For all the details of this extraordinarily dangerous reversal of monetary policy, log in to Macro Watch now and watch Global Liquidity Shock.

The video is 17 minutes long and contains 26 downloadable slides.

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Richard Duncan

Author, Economist, Consultant, Speaker

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