Subject: How Much Will You Lose From The US-China Trade War?

How Much Will You Lose From The US-China Trade War?
The US-China Trade War could destroy tens of trillions of dollars of wealth and hurl the global economy into a new great depression by this time next year.  Or, it may be called off before it does any permanent damage.  

Macro Watch has published three new videos assessing the risks.  

The first video, On The Brink, explains the background to this crisis and how President Trump came to view China as a grave threat to the United States that must be stopped.  Read more. 

President Trump has threatened to impose trade tariffs on all $500 billion worth of goods that China exports to the US each year unless China submits to his demands to reduce its trade surplus with the US by $200 billion a year. The second video in this three-part series, considers the consequences for China, the United States and the Rest Of The World if China capitulates and meets those demands.  Read more.

It is inconceivable, however, that China would submit to President Trump’s demands for trade concessions. China will fight back. Therefore, the final video in this Trade War series describes how a full scale, no holds barred trade war between the US and China could begin and how high the costs could be for China, the US and the Rest Of The World if it does.   Read more.

An all-out trade war between the United States and China would be a turning point in history. In a worst case scenario, the consequences could be catastrophic.  You need to understand the risks.  

Combined, these videos are 43 minutes long and offer 70 downloadable charts and slides.  Macro Watch subscribers can log in and watch them now. 

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Richard Duncan

Author, Economist, Consultant, Speaker

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