Subject: A Master Class On Money

A Master Class 
Monetary Policy is the government’s most powerful economic tool. It is not possible to understand the economy or the financial markets in the 21st Century without understanding how the government creates and manipulates Money.

During the first quarter, Macro Watch published a four-video series that explains what Money is, how the Fed conducts Monetary Policy and how that impacts the economy and the financial markets.  Here are the topics covered:

1. The History Of US Monetary Policy

The first video explains the past century of US Monetary Policy by analyzing the evolution of the Fed’s balance sheets between 1914 and 2016. Once this history is understood, the reasons behind current monetary policy become much easier to grasp and the direction of future monetary policy becomes much easier to anticipate.

2. Current Monetary Policy: Rate Hikes, Quantitative Tightening and Their Consequences

The second video describes how the Fed is pushing up short-term interest rates by paying interest on bank Reserves and how it is pushing up long-term interest rates by destroying money through Quantitative Tightening. It also discusses why this radical tightening of Monetary Policy could crush asset prices and cause the economy to fall back into a severe recession.

3. The Money Revolution

The third video explains what Money is, how it has changed over the last 50 years and how those changes caused the Fed to lose control over credit creation, interest rates and the economy – ultimately resulting in the crisis of 2008.

4. The Causes Of Inflation Over The Past Century

The fourth video examines the causes of inflation during each decade since the 1920s. It explains why there is no longer any link between Money Supply Growth and the Inflation Rate. It also shows why a trade war would crush the economy and the financial markets.

The nature of Money changed when the United States stopped backing Dollars with Gold fifty years ago. A Monetary Revolution ensued that transformed the world. If you want to understand this revolution and how it will impact your future, you need to watch this Master Class On Money.

Together, these four videos are two hours long and contain 150 downloadable charts. You will not find this information anywhere else.

Macro Watch subscribers who have not yet watched all four videos should log in and watch them now.

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Richard Duncan

Author, Economist, Consultant, Speaker

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