Subject: Video guide "How to use All Access Pass strategically!"

Hi Friend

I have bought quite a few of Kevin Fahey's products over time. His training is practical over the shoulder training. His techniques are proven and there are not hacks and black hat tricks.

The hard part will be working out where to start - just look at the list of inclusions - 31 access passes listed on his offering page

I put together a video to help cut through the volume of stuff to give some ideas on how to use this gold mine strategically. I have worked through the list of products in the offering and mapped out some ideas for the Internet Marketing Newbie, for Scaling Up and for Launching your own products. I wrote it up in a blog post with a walkthrough video.

Explore that on this link - it also covers my bonuses focused on helping you get your mindset and time under control

The value in this offering is enormous but you can opnly get results if you have a focused approach - I am hoping my post will help

Explore the post before pricing moves at the close

Take good care

Mark Carrington

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