Subject: The System that changes everything for affiliate profits?

Hi Friend

 No matter what you're selling, you need to add value by differentiating yourself from other marketers online. 

Affiliate offers. Your own products. Even offline offers. 

Everything you promote will make more if you add value by simply offering some bonuses. 

Get this: Affiliates who do reviews, build trust and add value make up to five times more than those who don't. 

Five times. Do the math. That adds up to a whole lot. 

The team at Promote Labs, Inc have tested this across over 50,000 affiliate promotions, and it without fail it puts thousands of added dollars in their pocket on every promotion. 

How much will it put in yours? 

 But this is the thing: 
  • Creating promotion pages takes a lot of time and too much time. 
  • You need design skills, or you need deep pockets to hire a kick-ass designer. 
That's why most marketers don't even bother. Until this tool came along. 

This page was built this way 

Soon you can get your hands on the fastest, easiest and best way to create high-converting affiliate promotion pages. 

You won't want to miss this and keep your eye on your inbox to learn more. 

Mark Carrington 

 P.S. No design skills needed. This system creates the pages for you! Just wait till you see it.

Mark Carrington, 180 Burns Road, Turramurra, New South Wales 2074, Australia
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