Subject: The Numbers Don't Lie - Check Out the ARM System! Over $1m

Hi Friend ,

I bet you're wondering if the ARM System is the real McCoy. This is the thing - the numbers speak for themselves.

The ARM System isn't just talk:
  • Kevin Fahey's high-performing funnels have *generated over $1,151,900.29* in revenue.
  • He's crafted a system that *delivers consistent results*, month after month.
  • You'll gain the ability to *download the funnel assets* and set them up on your own hosting platform.
This isn't about taking a shot in the dark. It's about investing in a proven, successful system.

==>Get the Facts about the ARM System<==

I set up one of the predecessor Fr-ee Affiliate Funnels when I bought that from Kevin Fahey (time got in the way to do more). That funnel generated 4,136 hits from one low profile leads source with 109 conversions. Better numbers than I have seen for any other similar offering

The beauty of it all - yes you pay to deploy the funnels. BUT you get auto-approved for the funnels on WarriorPlus. If you are a newbie with no selling track record this is a big step up. I can point to a bunch of vendors who will not approve newcomers - even their customers

And then you will find everything is there for you to leverage. A landing page. A thank you page. And a selling opportunity right off that page and a follow up sequence with more offerings. For me it was easy as I was using Convertri and Aweber. Takes a bit more work to set up from HTML and using your own autoresponder. One button simple for each

==>Get the Facts about the ARM System<==

To your successes,

Mark Carrington

ps. Remember, successes leave clues. Learn from the best with the ARM System. And from my lead generation and super affiliate secrets bonuses
pps Look out for my blog post tomorrow and a review - been a manic few days in some hot weather

Mark Carrington, 180 Burns Road, Turramurra, New South Wales 2074, Australia
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