Subject: 📆The Best Time to Join MAP is Now – Here’s Why...

Hi Friend

Since John Thornhill & Omar Martin ran the Affiliate Breakthrough webinar, many, MANY people have joined the Master Affiliate Profits (MAP) program as backers.

They just extended phase two of the launch to make sure all the software worked just right, but phase three is FAST approaching, and there has never been a better time than now to become a MAP Platinum member.

==> Join MAP Here <==

Since I joined I have had two people join as backers which has paid my way - the best part is the traffic came from my sponsor and from inside MAP. You can do that too. 

Joining now means you are among some of the first people to back the project, and as a backer, you will be able to take advantage of all the FREE traffic sent during phase two. Plus, you will only have to pay one time instead of annually.

With the MAP program, they don’t compete with their members like some marketplaces do or dilute your list like vendors do. In fact, they actually do their utmost to earn you as much money as possible.

MAP is different as it is a complete affiliate marketing ecosystem designed to reward every single member for the traffic they drive.

And the faster you act, the faster you can start receiving traffic during phase two.

==> Join MAP Here <==

MAP is the biggest thing John & Omar have ever done, and they are putting all of their resources into it that will reward all members for the long term, but backers will be rewarded the most.

So take my advice and check out the replay that they've made available so you can find out more about the MAP program, but remember, phase three is fast approaching, and you risk missing out on phase 2 of the backer program.


Mark Carrington

ps. I did create some new bonuses specially for MAP - explore my bonuses to help with list building

Mark Carrington, 180 Burns Road, Turramurra, New South Wales 2074, Australia
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