Subject: Special early bird access - Reinventing Yourself. Today!

Hi Friend,

Starting tomorrow, the team over at Publish for Prosperity is releasing a brand n-ew 4-part eCourse called "Reinventing Yourself: Letting Go & Moving On to Find Yourself Again." It's designed to help your readers take a deeper look inside as they navigate some of life's biggest transitions.

But for today, you can get special Early Bird Acc-ess (and pricing)! This is how:

Add this FR-EE pack of Inspirational Q-uote Graphics all about "Reinventing Yourself" to your P4P account. Afterwards, you'll see a special off-er to pick up your license to the "Reinventing Yourself" 4-part eCourse at better-than-launch pricing!

But move fast because this special is available for today Feb 15.

This is a quick look:

Download your fr-ee 10-pack of inspirational qu-ote graphics to get moving: 

==> Download Reinvent Graphics <== 

Then ch-eck out the "Reinventing Yourself" eCourse before it officially opens tomorrow to get the best possible pricing.

I'll be back tomorrow with more details. Talk then!

Mark Carrington

Mark Carrington, 180 Burns Road, Turramurra, New South Wales 2074, Australia
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