Subject: Niche Websites rock: Your key to 18 Detailed Checklists


If you use PLR in your business in any way, you’re going to love this. IM Checklist releases detailed marketing checklists every month covering various topics.

Kevin Fahey just released the latest volume which covers Niche Websites

These come in 5 different formats and include Private Label Rights.

Grab These Checklists with PLR

I did say I would do a review - sorry - life got in the way. But I did sharpen the pencil to find a few things to help you along the decision path. Some freebies all to do with building niche websites

The first two freebies will help you find the answers to the questions set out in the checklists. The next three will help you with the content to go onto the websites including compelling headlines and the last one is acc3ss to a library of private label rights - add it to your website as content or sell it as a product. 

Grab These Checklists with PLR

$282 of value right there - see the snapshot below

#1 - Niche Marketing Pro (Value $27)
#2 - Authority Marketing (Value $27)
#3 - High Profit Blog Secrets (Value $27)
#4 - Effective Content Marketing (Value $27)
#5 - Write Compelling Headlines (Value $27)
#6 - Silver SureFireWealth Membership (Value $147)

Have a quick look at the rights included with the checklists
  • You CAN turn them into PowerPoint Presentations.
  • You CAN edit, add graphics and rebrand it any way you wish.
  • You CAN claim full authorship.
  • You CAN use them to create a video training course.
  • You CAN add them to a membership site.
  • You CAN use them to build your email list (individual checklists)
  • You CAN use them to create blog posts or infographics
  • You CAN translate them into different languages
There are some limits - no can make them into an ebook or sell them on WarriorPlus or JVZoo

Check the freebies out on this link

To your niche website wins

Mark Carrington

ps., Review tomorrow and you can see an interactive version of the first checklist 

Mark Carrington, 180 Burns Road, Turramurra, New South Wales 2074, Australia
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