Subject: Did you discover what is holding you back in video?

You have all seen how video is growing - I love data - this is a splash about video usage
  • One hundred million hours of video are watched on Facebook per day. (Social Media Today)
  • Users view more than 1 billion hours of video each day on YouTube. (YouTube)
  • 45% of people watch more than an hour of Facebook or YouTube videos a week. (WordStream)
  • 1 in 4 shoppers says that they’ve used YouTube to search for a video relating to a product they’re considering in-store. (Social Media Today)
  • 72% of customers would rather learn about a product or service by way of video. (HubSpot)
This is too big a channel to ignore in modern day marketing.

Yesterday, I asked if you knew what is holding you back.

The whole topic feels a little daunting - find something of interest to say, get in front of a camera and say it OR make a slide presentation and talk it through. Add in some snazzy graphics and edit it so it is slick and smooth. Then upload it all to YouTube or Vimeo or Facebook or Instagram. Then do some magic with keywords and hope the viewers arrive.

In my channel you will discover a big mix of responses - people love cryptocurrency videos, people want to get Bitcoin in Germany or Norway. There is a lot of stuff that has less than 10 views too. That is exactly the place I need help

More time would help too.

There are a lot of things that have to go right - research, keywords, hardware, software, tools, graphics, sound, lighting, placement, timing, and and and

What if there was a a ready made resource which you could use as your own?

What if that resource was backed up with some solid training?

Adam Payne has been active in video marketing since 2015 (when I first met him in Japan). He recently launched Video Content PLR.

This delivers ready made video content you can use. 
  • He does the niche and keyword research. 
  • He picks the topics. 
  • He makes the videos. 
  • He gives you some reports to give away to build a list. 
  • He gives you the emails to follow up with your list. 
  • He gives you the templates to jazz up your videos. 
  • He even includes checklists so you can tick off what you have completed in the tasks needed.
And he packages this up with solid training that gets you going in the right direction.

His latest PLR is on the topic of Video Marketing.

Rather than read me blabbing on about it - I made a video which steps through what you get - find it on YouTube

At $27 you are getting at least $1,000 worth of effort - 10 videos alone would take at least an hour each to research and script write and edit into a video.

For only $27 this is a link worth clicking to get video.

To your video marketing progress

Mark Carrington
ps Tomorrow I will release a blog review - look out for it

Mark Carrington, 180 Burns Road, Turramurra, New South Wales 2074, Australia
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