Subject: Conspiracy gives you a head start.

You will recall that I told you yesterday that I had an idea for the day on how to use the Build Yourself PLR. 

Well you now have a head start to show me your ideas. You see I got the dreaded SMS from NSW Health (our local government health department) saying I had been exposed to a covid-19 case in my shopping expedition on Monday. That wrtoe my day off as I had to go for the test - that was OK with no queues. All done and dusted by 1pm - at 3:41 I missed a call from NSW health saying that I needed to stand by for an urgent call.  My guess is the test came back positive. I do not know as the return call never came. But that screwed with my afternoon and evening and my head. 

The dumb part is  I feel fine (apart from the stress) - none of he symptoms - wine with dinner tasted great. 

I could have spent the afternoon doing what I promised - maybe tomorrow. 

Now for the Build Yourself PLR - it is no charge for you to grab

This is a PLR pack covering 5 popular and important topics in the Self Help/Personal Development space. Each part can be used as branding content (publish it freely online anywhere you see fit) to drive traffic back to your website, blog, paid course portals and membership site(s).

These are the 5 topics - they sound like stuff I need pronto

1. Tips And Advice For Learning What Makes People Tick
2. Tips and Advice For Motivating Others
3. Tips And Advice For Increasing Trust In Yourself
4. Tips And Advice For Trust And Confidence
5. Tips And Advice For Motivation Through Adversity

Each pack includes:
Article: Well written - use it as your own
Audio: Repurposed from the article into audio format
Social Graphics: 3 posters (editable) perfect for sharing on your social pages
Blog Header: Perfect for utilizing at the top of your blog
The image above is a sample of the 4 parts

Maybe I set you a challenge - you hit reply with your ideas and steps on using this PLR - and I will post tomorrow what I have done - a blog post, some social media posts, a video with some how tos. Here's hoping I am not sick. 

Hit the link to get yours

To your finding yourself future

Mark Carrington 

Mark Carrington, 180 Burns Road, Turramurra, New South Wales 2074, Australia
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