Subject: Affiliate marketing does not have to be tough

Yesterday I talked about being on control of your own platforms as I could not access my bonus delivery platform. Well the IT geek in me worked through all the possibilities. Was it my computer? Was it my browser? Did someone hack into my router? I got it to work by hot spotting my desktop via my phone. Bingo! Network problem from our home ISP - but only affecting some traffic - maybe a blacklist somewhere.

It is experiences like this that rattle affiliate marketers especially newcomers. There are a lot of things that have to be done right in the steps of choose a niche, choose a free gift, build a landing page, choose an offer to promote, build a bridge page for the offer, link to an email service - and only then can you send traffic 

Imagine if it was a whole lot easier. Imagine someone taking away the techie angst. Imagine a full system, all under one roof that allows newbies and experienced alike to operate like top class pros.

*Software tools that normally cost and arm and a leg and still need to be configured before you can use them.

*Usually it needs half a dozen different pieces of software to do all this and then you have to beat them into submission to work nice together.


All that is a thing of the past with Easy Pro Funnels

Just take a look at this software at the link below:

==> Explore Easy Pro Funnels V2 <==

Yes it’s fully automated, yes it’s fully integrated, yes it’s click button simple, yes anyone can use it, yes it does everything you need and more.

Maybe in your wildest dreams you thought you’d have all this yourself.

I did get that review written up. I did change the review video to cover the full funnel - it loos really exciting. Read my review and b0nuses on this link - it will take 10 minutes - a bit longer if you watch the review video (all 22 minutes of step by step walk through). It will be 32 minutes well spent. I know I spent a lot more than that last night on techie matters getting it up and running. 

It is a story of "Once you became a hugely successful marketer and have loads of money to spend and plenty of time to learn how it all works and how you can make it work for you?"

We’ll that IS now a reality AND all the money and all the configuration and the massive learning curve has been thrown out of the window (who needs that overhead right?).

Just grab Easy Pro Funnels and watch a few minutes of videos training and get started

Get guaranteed JVZoo affiliate approval and drop your link into Easy Pro Funnels.

click a couple of buttons and your system, your product funnels, your lead magnets, your exit -pops your list building, your buyer bonus, your discount offer coupons and your traffic and conversion tracking is fully up and running.

Anyway forget about me waxing lyrical.

Just explore it out while it’s still available.

But prepare to be amazed my friend!

Mark Carrington

ps I did prepare some strong incentives to help you decide - all about traffic generation. You have still to do that. easy Po Funnels does the rest, Read about them on this link. Do not panic - they are delivered automatically whichever link you hit to commit 

Mark Carrington, 180 Burns Road, Turramurra, New South Wales 2074, Australia
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