Subject: (ReWrite) Sample Millionaire Questions!

Sample Millionaire Questions

Welcome to your quest! Below and attached are the questions I shared tonight. 

Going through them all can take 10-15 minutes or more, depending on the person. You may wish to whittle or tweak them--or not--up to you.

Let them know their names are confidential (first name only, please). If they are heistant, assure them the questions center around their thoughts and opinions, not specific assets. (Of course, if you have a good relationship, feel free to ask whatever you like!)

1. Do you consider yourself wealthy?

2. Do you come from a family you considered wealthy?

3. Were there any experiences or turning points in your life that motivated you towards financial success?

4. What were your biggest financial mistakes?

5. What were your smartest financial decisions?

6. Do you consider yourself frugal? If so, in what ways?

7. How do you think your life would be different if you did not have the resources you have now?

8. What is your biggest goal for the future?

9. Are there any charities or organizations that you like to give to?

10. Do you seek professional advice on financial planning and/or investing?

11. Why do you think wealth is important?

12. Has wealth brought any troubles or hassles into your life?

13. What do you think is the biggest misconception about wealthy people?

14. What common financial mistakes do you see the average person making?

15. What advice would you give the average person who wants to build wealth?


(And if you can return a favor to them, please do!)
We will be SHARING summaries of our millionaire interviews in session #6 on August 31st. 

That gives you 3 weeks (and I don't suggest waiting until the last minute!)

Feel free to interview multiple people if you like... the goal is to normalize talking to people with money about money, as well as to glean insights.

Most of all... have FUN!
See you next Tuesday!

P.S. This email is not financial advice. Kate Phillips/Total Wealth does not sell financial products or give financial advice. I am a wealth educator who simply shares what has worked for myself and many others.

Total Wealth, 315 N Wright Ave., Cle Elum, Washington 98922, United States
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