Subject: [QSC 2020] Prices Held Until Challenge Starts

[QSC 2020] Prices Held Until Challenge Starts

November 30th, 2020 at 10:10 am EDT

Yesterday I told you about the Quick Start Challenge 2020. Message from my partner, Dean Holland today. The doors to the challenge will stay open right until the start of the challenge on December 8. Better news is the pricing deal does not expire my ...

2020 Has Been Shocking: Build Your 2021

November 29th, 2020 at 11:12 am EDT

I have had a great Black Friday weekend. I got a great discount on upgrading a tool I use all the time (you are reading from it right now). I got a special price on some amazing self development PLR. And I ignored everything else = smart way to hold ...

[Newsletters PLR] If you don’t...someone else will!

November 28th, 2020 at 11:13 am EDT

Newsletters work. Imagine getting paid to publish your very own newsletter. Imagine getting your slice of an 11 million visitor audience - just by publishing your own newsletter. Not some Black Friday shiny object. Just your slice of 11 million visi ...

I Promised Three Things - and a freebie

November 27th, 2020 at 11:09 am EDT

I did promise 3 things in my email two days ago. I was hoping to get a blog post up with a case study about my newsletter story. FAILED. I found orchids instead. That will be tomorrow's task. But I did say I would launch a Newsletters on Substack v ...

I Promised Three Things - and something F!ree

November 26th, 2020 at 10:59 am EDT

I did promise 3 things in my email yesterday. I was hoping to get a blog post up with a case study about my newsletter story. FAILED. I found orchids instead. That will be tomorrow's task. But I did say I would launch a Newsletters on Substack video ...

Build Profits Using Newsletters

November 25th, 2020 at 10:09 am EDT

Newsletters are a powerful way to build authority. They help with those magic ingredients - Know - Like - Trust Implementing a newsletter is challenging. One way is to broadcast from an autoresponder service = not exactly searchable and impossible t ...

Smashing All records

November 24th, 2020 at 10:18 am EDT

Black Friday Mega Bundle - Save $1960.00 Hi To celebrate Black Friday, Vidnami have slashed 40% OFF their game-changing video creation app... PLUS they’re giving away all of their popular apps and resources in a bonus Black Friday Mega Bundle th ...

Taming Investor Psychology is KEY!!

November 19th, 2020 at 10:06 am EDT

Hi Raise your hand if any of the following sounds familiar: “If I’d have invested [x amount] on [insert date], then I’d have [y return] - and I wouldn’t have to worry about money.” “If I’d have put $10,000 in Tesla stock back in May 2 ...

How to quit your job in the next few months

November 18th, 2020 at 10:06 am EDT

Hi I wrote yesterday about something different. You may not know it yet but 2020 has dramatically changed your future. BAD NEWS: You may not be able to rely on your job. WORSE NEWS: You may become dependent on the government to look after you. They ...

2020!! New Opportunities Expo - Register, Share and Earn!

November 17th, 2020 at 10:12 am EDT

Hi, Mark here with something completely different 2020 has been a horror year for all all of us. What might be becoming clear to you is your future is not in your hands - some one else is pulling the strings That is true if you let it come true. Yo ...