Subject: A Membership Tour

A Membership Tour

September 18th, 2019 at 1:08 pm EDT

I emailed a few days ago about my friend, Adam Payne's video marketing membership site. He has just shared with me a video which has a tour of the site, what to expect, what you will find and why it is of value. Click the link to get access to a qu ...

How Journaling Can Help with Mental Health

September 16th, 2019 at 8:49 am EDT

Ever since my separation after a marriage of 25 years, I have been struggling with depression. Add to that what the psychologists call a low frustration threshold, I really struggle when things don't quite work out. The triggers are when things happe ...

What is holding you back? Nerves?

September 15th, 2019 at 8:21 am EDT

Video really works. Getting started is a lot easier than you imagine. Here are some tips from my friend, Adam Payne, who runs a specialist video program called Video Marketing Insider.   1. Get used to your own voice.   We all sound different on a ...

Lights … camera … commissions

September 13th, 2019 at 10:41 am EDT

How does a guy with a list of just 3000 subscribers REGULARLY drive more affiliate sales than competitors with lists 5X bigger? It’s an insider secret, but today’s your lucky day. For one week only My friend, Adam Payne is one of the most res ...

All you have to do is find the people

September 10th, 2019 at 10:37 am EDT

Wouldn't it be cool to know you could earn a solid income just sending traffic to someone else's sales funnel. - They give your the products. - They do the follow up. - They share the commissions - big and small All you have to do is find the peop ...

Journaling Might Just Work For You

September 2nd, 2019 at 9:01 am EDT

Journaling is all the rage. Write it down and you will feel better. Maybe even make big strides forward I have to admit that it was not really working for me. I found that it helped to put in a little more structure and journaling can be a big he ...