I wrote a blog post a little while ago about the Pareto Principle - the 80/20 rule. We see it here in spades. 800 people => 100 attend (12.5%) => 25 do the task (25%).
In my lists only 1% opened the email - a big 80:20 running there. You are in the 1%.
It is not too late to join in - the next session will run 3 pm UK time on January 24. There is enough time to join and to watch the Day 1 bootcamp, do the task and be ready for Day 2.
Now I will tell you a bit more about this.
Michael's experience is that drop shipping is dead because Amazon (and eBay) want to take control of the supply chain and the customer. There is a gap in what Amazon can do = bundled products. Michael will show you how to - Find a niche
- Find bundles that are selling hot in the niche
- Find people interested in specifics in that niche on Facebook
- Migrate those people to your own sales funnel and list
- Sell the bundles from that list.
- Source the products and distribute from reliable centres in US, UK and Europe
No you can do this manually. Brand warfare is all about understanding the process and getting access to software that helps along the way.
To your bundled success