Subject: Ugh, do you do this? An idea for forgetfulness..

Ugh…we all have the best intentions, but then things fall by the wayside.

I have worked hard this year to keep the flow of emails going to all of you. I must say I have not always been able to do it mostly because I fall behind in finding and developing content. 

If you've experienced the same, here's your opportunity to make a big change this year. I just wanted to give you a quick heads up about an opportunity to have your newsletter content done for you…enough to send to your list weekly and more.

I'll have more details tomorrow. If you teach your customers to improve their lives, you definitely want to get on board with this.

Keep an eye on your inbox. I'll talk to you then!

To your success,

Mark Carrington

ps. Watch for this one closely because the special launch offer is going to have you going WOW! And it's only available for a short time, so it'd be a shame if you missed it.

pps. I am still workig the details of my new membership sites - with some luck, I might have the first one ready before launch so I can add it in as an automatic bonus. 

Mark Carrington, 180 Burns Road, 2074, Turramurra, Australia
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