Subject: No Technical Experience: Fact or Myth?


We see the promise all the time - no technical experience needed. Anyone who has looked at my blog posts will have seen the advertisement below. 

I started my journey in computing in 1976 - yes 1976. That is a whole 44 years ago. I do not know what it means to have no technical experience.  I did not study computing - I did law and business BUT I have been using computers for 44 years. All those older than 44 years, hit reply and share a few stories. 

Here is one from my university days. My computing lecturer was an American who worked for NASA. When Apollo 13 had the explosion, he led the team that wrote the code to get them back. They wrote something like 250 man years of code in 24 hours. I am surprised the computer memory was big enough. He got it right. My first boss at Price Waterhouse wrote the software for the Gemini rocket escape module - it was never used. Me and computers go a long way back 
No technical experience needed has me really bothered. It feels like a big fat lie. 

It does not have to be a big fat lie. Find a program that provides the right training and the right support to make up for stuff you do not know. Get really good at Google Search. 44 years ago we did not have Google Search - we had to read printed manuals. I have stories about that. Good training and Google Search help a lot. I use them all the time. 

So I wrote a blog post about "No Technical Experience Needed" You will find that here 

Separately, there is a lot going on. 
  • My friend Alice Seba has a Name Your Own Price Birthday bash. The giveaway part was valued at $492 the last time I looked. it launches Thursday. Look out for that.
  • My friend Adam Payne has remodelled his YouTube Mastery Course. It relaunches soon on May 25
  • My membership site, Stratocharge Your income, is ready to launch. I could do with 5 beta testers - hit reply to get free access = $27 per month value right there for life. 
To your tech free success

Mark Carrington

ps There are a lot of new members here who have come from Michael Somerville lists. If you are unhappy please hit the UNSUBSCRIBE button below = no hard feelings. 

Mark Carrington, 180 Burns Road, 2074, Turramurra, Australia
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