Subject: [NOW LIVE] Make Your Own 'GaryVee' Style Videos

You've probably heard of Gary Vaynerchuk (or GaryVee) - he's a best selling author, speaker and serial entrepreneur who’s also worked with some of the top Fortune 100 companies...

But did you know that GaryVee has used captioned, Influencer videos to build his own massive following of OVER 3.9 MILLION PEOPLE on Facebook?

And thanks to the brand new ‘Influencer’ Video Templates in one of my favourite video tools Content Samurai, you can now create your own GaryVee style videos - even if you’ve never made a video before! - here is my first attempt in more ways than one

Affiliate Marketers Playbook

Here’s why this is SO important...

Faceless brands are dying...

These days, no one wants to deal with a faceless, soulless mega-corporation.

Instead, people want to connect with a real person and engage with businesses that have genuine personality.

Get this right and you can literally build an audience of millions around the world.

Just imagine the impact that would have on YOUR business...

So click the link below and watch this short video now to see just how easy it is to use the new Influencer Video Templates in Content Samurai to transform your business in 2020 :-)

==> Make Your Own Influencer Videos <==

Now I found an interesting fact - around 80% of videos on mobile are watched without sound. That is why the animated captions are so importnat.

To your video success

Mark Carrington