Subject: Keeping Up on Social Media Posting

Hi Mark here

I have just finished a 2 week epic cycle challenge on Australia’s East Coast. That is why I have been a little quiet. I really needed someone doing my work for me when I was pedalling.

I bet we are mostly the same. We all have the best intentions, but then things fall by the wayside.

Each year, I tell myself I'll be more vigilant about my social media and will post AWESOME content every day for my followers. Then it just peters out.

If you've experienced the same, here's your opportunity to make a big change this year. I just wanted to give you a quick heads up about an opportunity to have your social media content done for you…enough to have MULTIPLE posts each and every day.

I'll have more details tomorrow. If you teach your customers to improve their lives, you definitely want to get on board with this.

Keep an eye on your inbox. I'll talk to you then!

To your posting success,
