Subject: Journaling Might Just Work For You

Journaling is all the rage.

Write it down and you will feel better. Maybe even make big strides forward

I have to admit that it was not really working for me. I found that it helped to put in a little more structure and journaling can be a big help.

1. Write down a goal

2. Work out the why (big and little)

3. Write down some hows.

From there make a to do list. Next week - track what happened and write some more - what worked and what did not.

Simple really. It works a lot for me in investing. Maybe I can make it work in Internet Marketing. I have a goal. I have a WHY. I got some HOWS. Now for a to-do list of solid, measurable actions

Writing it up into a journal helps to clear the fog and drive to action. I just did in my latest blog post.

Read it here

Big dose of honesty helps - this is not what the gurus write about. Well they might but we do not get to read the gory details in what they share. Honesty helps.

Take good care and happy journaling
