Subject: John Thornhill Says So

I have been on a mission to avoid shiny objects. A little while back I saw a post from a long time Internet Marketer who I respect. It was from John Thornhill, a bloke from the UK who has been around this Internet marketing block a long time. John Thornhill is a guru to the guru’s and even he recommends this tool

He’s been an internet marketer for around 15 years and he’s coached some of the most successful marketers on the planet. You’ll seldom see John make a video endorsing a product and that’s why this one really struck me.

The product he’s raving about is called Viral Traffic Boost.

It has just been released and John and Dave were testing it out before the launch - that is how I came across it and bought then. They created a campaign that gives away some content using the plugin. 

The clue lies in what I wrote above - I saw stuff from John on a Facebook post - see this, share it to get involved and i landed up on their list. On a Facebook post - not in an email, not in an ad, not on a website but on a Facebook post.

They added a video on the download page telling people about the plugin and since then its been going mental.

I want you to take a look for yourself so you can see what John is so happy about.

As a matter of fact, go ahead and try the plugin for yourself. There’s a sample on the next page.

If you’re smart you’ll grab a copy for yourself and use the next few days to set up some campaigns for yourself.

At times like these, there is nothing better than having some autopilot income coming in.

It’s time to set it up.

See you on the next page

To your viral traffic success

Mark Carrington

P.S. – Tomorrow I will let you in on the bonus I have lined up - free access to my new membership site - Stratocharge Your Income. 

P.P.S. – The launch ends soon and then the price will be a monthly recurring charge BUT NOT IF YOU JOIN NOW!

Mark Carrington, 180 Burns Road, 2074, Turramurra, Australia
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