Subject: Ideas For Using Self Love PLR

Crypto profits are available -n when I started mining Bitcoin the price was $469 - this week $57,000. I promised to remind you how to get started - it is in the PS - register here 

But today is about self love 

Yesterday, I told you about Alice's “Self Love” Report and Planner pack with private label rights. If you grabbed it already, you definitely want to pay attention to this.

And if you don't have it yet, get it now so you can put these ideas to use. Just do it quickly because this offer ends soon (just think how much you'd have to pay someone to create all of this for you! = over $1,000).

As I mentioned yesterday, the package comes with 1 complete, ready-to-publish planner, 1 detailed report and social media graphics. Well, here are some ideas about what you can do with these.
  • Use it as a highly-converting lead magnet to grow your list. If you're looking to grow your list of people who want to be better themselves, you've got everything you need here. This package will teach them just how big of an impact self love can have on their life.
  • Turn it into a paid product. There's lots of great content here…plus you get the planner to help your customers take action. Easily charge admission for this high value, action-oriented content.
  • Break it up into blog posts or other bite-sized content. You've got a ton of fodder here for several informative blog post series. You can use the report as an opt-in offer or high-value free download.
  • Add it as a “starter kit” in your membership site. Have a membership site and want to bump up the content value? Add this content as a “starter kit” for your newbie members and they'll immediately see the value of their membership.
Just a few ideas to get you going, but now it's your turn to run with them. Go get your “Self Love” package here

Just remember, this low price offer ends soon. Get there quickly to get the BEST deal.

To your self love success,

Mark Carrington

P.S. There's a pretty sweet upsell with a Journal and a 10 Worksheet Printables Pack. My customers always love these, especially with the value pricing Alice is providing.
PPS I did promise to remind you of the No PAYMENT NEEDED masterclass on cryptocurrency. Start with your own wallet. Learn how to fund it. Best of all - learn how to get other people to fund it. Register here - March 14 10 am Singapore = March 13 8pm New York time. Join the crypto masterclass

Mark Carrington, 180 Burns Road, 2074, Turramurra, Australia
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