What is Affiliate Marketing Mastery?
It is a premium private label rights offering. You get the rights to sell all or some and keep all the profits. The core is a well written and well thought through report on affiliate marketing. Make it your own and sell it for anything from $17 up. There are 3 other guides which you can choose to bundle into the report or set up as free giveaways or add as bump offers. My plan is to give away the checklist and offer the book for sale. I will also build it all into my membership site - all about affiliate marketing as a way to Stratocharge Your Income.
That is the product side = products made for you to sell. How about the technical side? You also get a full website ready to be launched - just add in your links and find a pace to host the downloads (Google Drive will work). Add in the email followup sequence - or do it my hand. And you are running. The upsells make it a whole lot easier if you already use Convertri or Optimize Press of Thrive Themes.
Now if you would like a one hour webinar - hit reply and I will see what I can do.
To your affiliate marketing success
Mark Carrington
ps. Buy the upsell and I will gift you one year membership of Stratocharge Your Income Masterclass at $324 value => send me your receipt