Subject: Google Twice as Expensive as Facebook

Hi - a mystery shopper told me this was the real deal

I just did a simple search on Google Keyword Planner. What would it cost to run an ad on "Facebook ads"? = $6.14. How about "Google ads"? $12.28.

Wow!! It would be great to know that before your start. Twice the price.

I will let you in on a huge secret - look out for a deal better than half the price.

Justin Brooke, who spends $1 million a year on Facebook ads sells his UpperClassMen ad program for $4,995 which covers training on 8 ad networks plus a few coaching add ons. My mentor, Dean Holland has got us access to Justin's training at a great price. Not $4,995. Not $2,997, Not even $1,997. You can get all 8 modules for $998. This works out a lot cheaper than $249 for each of the 8 modules. In fact it is half price. Of course you can buy them one module at a time. They do come with a 30 day money back guarantee.

Justin Brooke's courses work. I know as I have used his Twitter Ads training and got as high as 18% click through rates in my customer segment. The training is pragmatic, well structured, thorough and it works. Frank Kern says the courses are great. The testimonials on Justin's AdSkills website say they work. My mentor, Dean Holland, says they work - he spends a whack on online ads each month.

What makes huge sense for me - grab hold of the Facebook ads module and you are already half way cheaper than using Google ads. My brain can only hold one ad network together at a time.

Try it out here

Take good care


ps. tomorrow I will be talking copywriting again