Subject: Frank Kern Rates This Ad Training Very Highly

Don't know who Frank Kern is?

Frank Kern is a giant in Internet Marketing - he uses the term direct response marketing. Frank created what he calls Behavioural Dynamic Response. Well that sounds like a lot of jargon to me. What he does is create an automated marketing method that changes marketing messages based on the way the prospect responds. That is pretty smart - he changes the messages based on what you do.

"Frank Kern is one of the most sought after Direct Response internet marketing consultants and copywriters on the planet".

His words and not mine. BUT my mentor, Dean Holland swears by his coaching and mentoring. So Frank knows what he is talking about when it comes to direct response marketing.

Justin Brooke is also a giant in Internet Marketing built on his digital advertising skills. Anyone who has spent over $1 million on Facebook advertising and is still around to tell the tale probably knows his oats about advertising.

Frank Kern just made this post on Facebook about Justin Brooke:

"Justin Brooke is a hell of a nice guy and his AdSkills trainings are absolutely outstanding #respect."

We all know that the Internet marketing industry is filled with what my friend, Adam Payne, calls the circle jerkers. You stroke my back and I'll stroke yours = circle jerking. Is this a circle jerk? I doubt it. Truth is Frank Kern is that good he does not have to do that at
all. He is a giant in his own right and knows how to do this stuff anyway - he invented a lot of it.

I went digging into what Justin Brooke is doing now.

He has a digital marketing agency calls IMScalable - Sorry Not Accepting Clients.

He is also running a business called AdSkills - "We Help 11,000+ Ad Buyers Build More Profitable Ad Campaigns, Get Certified, & Get Matched Up With Clients or Jobs".

Takes a little digging to see what AdSkills actually offer - all I can find is a program called ADSKILLS UPPERCLASSMEN costing $4,995. This gives you access to training courses covering 8 ad networks for the price of 1 plus hands-on mentoring plus customer spotlights (whatever that means).

I do not know about you but $4,995 feels like a lot to splash out in one go especially if one is not really clued in as to whether you will be advertising across all 8 ad networks or focusing in on one or two like I do. I know in my case I was hard pressed to get my head around one network at a time. Of course, there are great testimonials on his website though they do lean toward customers who are in the business of media buying and digital marketing agencies.

What is the point of all this?

Justin Brooke's courses work. I know as I have used his Twitter Ads training and got as high as 18% click through rates in my customer segment. The training is pragmatic, well structured, thorough and it works. Frank Kern says the courses are great. The testimonials on the AdSkills website say they work. My mentor, Dean Holland says they work - he spends a whack on online ads each month.

The point is through my mentor, Dean Holland, you can get access to the training programs not for $4,995 and not even for $2,997 but for $998 for all 8 modules. This works out a lot cheaper than $249 for each of the modules. In fact it is half price. Of course you can buy them one module at a time. They do come with a 30 day money back guarantee.

Have a look here

If you are looking for the breakthrough in online advertising and are looking for bulletproof training - Justin Brooke is your man. Follow this link. Take your time to read through the description for each of the modules - you will find sign up links for each module or for all 8

That link again

Take good care and good luck
