Subject: Cut through the myths

Hi, Mark here

There is a lot of myth flowing around the world of affiliate marketing. Too easy to spread the myth about how much you are making even when you know how prices are dropping on every info product and how commisssions are being cut. It is a bit like talking to grandpa about days that are long gone

My mentor, Dean Holland, likes to shoot straight. Each week he spills the beans in a webinar on the things the industry does to keep the myth going.

3 big things you will learn in this webinar - secrets, gems, nuggets, facts of life:

1. You don't have to sell to make money.
2. You can make a full time income on a few FOCUSED hours a day
3. You can find tons of traffic online and use it for free.

If you can make consistent and focused effort you can break beyond the myth.

The clue is in the word LEVERAGE - leverage other people's stuff

1. Get somebody else to sell for you
2. Use somebody else's products and sales funnels
3. Use somebody's else's traffic, like Facebook's or Twitter's or Google's

And that is what this webinar is all about. LEVERAGE and FOCUS

LEVERAGE Dean's products and his sales teams. FOCUS on delivering traffic to a proven and scalable business model, And LEARN from Dean what works and what does not - he provides all the training you need - all in one place starting right here with this webinar. And the kicker is you get to earn the big commissions the industry tries to keep for itself

It works - I have made 3 sales this month leveraging his team. Not thousands of dollars but real cash from real focused effort. He showed me how.

Click the link below and register for the webinar - Tuesday August 20,6pm EST; 3pm PST; 11pm UK.

Take care and see you there

Mark Carrington

That link again