Subject: Angry Enough?

Hi, Mark here

Don't you just hate the way the Affiliate Marketing industry treats you as an affiliate? Keep you away from the big prizes, they do.

Once a week my mentor. Dean Holland spills the beans in a webinar on the things the industry does not want you to know. Last week he ran a whole new webinar introducing the Digital Business Formula. Who dreams up these names?

This week he is running it again before he switches to fortnightly. He promises me that the technical glitches with his partner's, Louis Doughty, internet connection, last week are fixed.

Well it's a lot more than a webinar. It's more like free training where he walks through what works in his 7 figure business and how he will open the doors to let you in.

This will blow your socks off. It builds on what he has done before - JUST WAY BETTER

I will let you into the secrets he unfolds

1. No need to sell
2. No need to work 8 to 12 hours a day
3. Traffic might not be the biggest problem

Register now and make a note in your diary - Tuesday March 5, 6 pm EST (US) and 11 pm UK time.

Take good care


ps Tuesday March 5, 6 pm EST (US) and 11 pm UK time.